
This is ‘just another blog’ about speed reading. Hence, when you use the phrase speed or fast reading for a basic Google search you will find this blog amongst thousands of others giving tricks and tips about boosting reading speeds.

So why another one, and more importantly why this one? Simply, because I am a student. I teach myself fast reading techniques and I decided to build my own customized online reference where all the videos, slide shows, articles, tools, and tips I have found working for me are in one single place. This one is here!

One of the techniques to transfer new knowledge into long-term memory is to take notes, create mind maps, or clip material to quickly review it again and again.

This is my way of getting reading techniques into my memory. And, if videos, podcasts, text material, and online tools are working for me why not for other readers too? So, hopefully, it will help you too on your way to boost your reading speed.

To learn speed reading is easy. There is a basic concept to pick up, some techniques or procedures to understand, and the decision to break with some known or unknown habits. These steps almost instantly enhanced my reading experience.

However, I also found that daily exercise, motivation, and patience are the keys to fully breaking through. Hence, I understand learning speed reading as a process in stages. Quick improvements from scratch, but following exercises and goals over a more extended time, say a few weeks to several months.

I use this website to keep that in mind and to refresh techniques. I review and try these techniques before publishing them here. You will find videos and articles from various websites but also links to useful tools to test reading speeds, practice word group reading, or slide shows.

Enjoy your very own ride to speed up your reading. Any questions or personal experience, please let me know. Start here to learn how to speed read.

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